Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Curse of the Class of 2009

Yesterday afternoon, while chatting with my neighbor, our conversation eventually landed on a familiar topic: what we were going to be doing in just one week. For both Tim and I the answer is the same: not really sure, try to find a job. I think we are all starting to get a bit nervous, uneasy, scared, etc. Graduation is becoming so real.

So while we were enjoying each other's company, the conversation wasn't exactly uplifting. Then, Tim told me about an article from the Wall Street Journal: The Curse of the Class of 2009. Basically, our bad luck (graduating in the middle of a recession) will continue to affect us for years to come.

Great news...and a great way to motivate me to finish my final college paper. Even though the article put a damper on my weekend, I think there are some positives the class of '09 can take away from it. First, with this curse, we are united as the class of 2009. With this challenge, we have formed a bond that will last forever. Years from now, when the class of '09 is established in our careers, we will remember this year and possibly help each other out. Also, like the article said, sometimes a challenge leads you to a different career path. Who knows what exciting changes this will lead to for our class!

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