Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Surprises in the Job Search

On a college campus in May, discussing graduation with a senior is like discussing weather with a senior citizen.Even though I feel my conversations these past few months are like a song on repeat, I can't be mad. Last year, I was asking the graduating seniors the same thing. Plus, when I see an acquaintance on campus, I fall back to these go-to conversation topics as well.

As the days until graduation quickly approach, there are two questions that I am asked repeatedly throughout a given day:

1. So...are you ready for graduation?
2. What are your plans?

The first question is usually asked expectantly, with a subtle smile sweeping across the inquisitor's face. The latter is often more hesitant, as if my questioner is somewhat nervous to ask. While my response to each question usually varies, depending on my audience, my stress level and my mood, it can be boiled down to some basic statements.

When asked if I am ready for graduation my response is simple: yes and no. Yes, I am excited about all the opportunities that lie ahead of me. There is something thrilling and at the same time nerve-wracking about not knowing where you will be in one month. Despite the economy, I know my options are limitless, and am confident that I will find a great job. It just may not be tomorrow. No, I am not excited at all about saying goodbye to my friends and college life in general. We have it great here and I will miss the unique community of a college town. Where else can you walk into a bar and know 60% of the people there?

And as for my plans...I usually shrug my shoulders, grin slyly and explain...I have no idea. Applying for a job is a full time job, and right now I can't make that type of commitment. School is my full time job. Plus I have extracurricular commitments that I can't leave hanging. I took a vow a while ago not to be the senior that skeets out on everything her final semester. Right now, I have a few job applications out there, and once I wrap up school, I am going to hit the ground running. Watch out employers, because in two and a half weeks I will be knocking down your door.

Sure there are lots of graduating seniors that have jobs, but a lot don't. I'm gonna go out there on a limb and say that many of those without jobs feel the same way I do. Give us time. Let us wrap one thing up so we can fully dedicate ourselves to the hunt.

Now if you see me or other graduating seniors on campus, you don't need to ask us about May. Lets talk about something different, like the latest good book you read.


  1. The future will always be in the future, but today will soon pass away. Live in the present and cherish each moment.

  2. Hey CB - I referenced your blog here - - let me know if that's ok - but otherwise, I'd be happy to cut it.

    Thanks, GB

  3. Of Course, Gordon. Thank you and feel free to ref. in the future.
